Tag Archives: Executives

What Happens when you Forget Cursive?

I get asked this question a LOT: “What do you think of cursive writing not being taught in schools anymore?”

The New York Times just published an article that answers this question, backed up by the hard science of brain scans. 

Even back in the day when penmanship was required, I HATED it. I was such a nervous wreck back then (no thanks to merciless bullying) that I could barely hold a pencil steady, let alone cursive-write anything that was remotely legible. 

But when I began studying studying handwriting analysis 5 years ago, I committed myself to re-learning cursive. 

It wasn’t pretty. At first. My hand cramped terribly, the results were heavy and spiky — almost as bad as what you frequently see in criminals’ handwriting. 

But I stuck with it. Over time, the practice had the effects of making me a better public speaker, smoothing out the rough edges of my personality, and improving my “think on your feet” ability. 

Want to retain more information? Improve your Executive-level thinking? Re-learn cursive! Your brain will thank you for it. 

Read the NY Times article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/03/science/whats-lost-as-handwriting-fades.html?_r=0